Temperature rise measurement at higher ambient Damstra Laboratory has a flexible and efficient solution to measure temperature rises at various ambient temperatures. Equipment carrying current will show a rise in temperature. Temperature rise limits for low voltage switchgear and control gear are given in i.a. IEC61439-1. Usualy these measurements are done at mean ambient temperatures less than or equal to 35°C. As the equipment could also be used in an enviroment with much higher temperatures, customers can ask Damstra Laboratory to find the maximum limits at ambient temperatures above 35°C. To perform tests at higher ambient temperatures, Damstra Laboratory is using a mobile temperature chamber. This temperature chamber has a modular structure that can easily and quickly be built around the test object. Inside the temperature and airflow are controlled and measurement can be done up to 55°C ambient. Having such a flexible system allows our customers to do multiple tests after each other and quickly gain knowledge of the effects of their designs on the ratings of their systems at various ambient temperatures. Previous Article Next Article Print